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Machine Learning Online Course

Introduction to Machine Learning Online Course


| 23 Aug 2019

We have had an insight into Artificial Intelligence. Well, one of its subfields is machine learning and this introduction will help you get a fair idea of what this machine learning

LAMP Stack Vs MEAN stack

LAMP Stack Vs MEAN stack: Choosing the right platform


| 24 Aug 2019

In today’s dynamic world, developing a rapid application with a smooth user interface that can adapt to specific features is the main business requirement. Many organizations

Cloud Computing in various industries

Impact of Cloud Computing in various industries


| 24 Aug 2019

Cloud computing has been rapidly gaining pace in the world of information technology. It has been observed that over 90% of global enterprises are using cloud

Challenges of Machine Learning in Big Data

Challenges of Machine Learning in Big Data


| 24 Aug 2019

Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence which is an important part of computer science. The revolution of Big Data promises to transform the way we work, live and...

Breaking the Myths around Cybersecurity

Breaking the Myths around Cybersecurity


| 26 Aug 2019

Cybersecurity plays an integral role in the process of good business models. But even cybersecurity programs built with good intentions can fall short in front of advanced cyber attacking

Importance of Data Backup and Recovery in the IT

Importance of Data Backup and Recovery in the IT


| 25 Sep 2019

A business must always introspect the areas where they lack in order to bring about a positive change in the work environment. One of the main precautions or a contingency plan th...

What is Web Scraping?

What is Web Scraping?

Zac Clancy

| 25 Sep 2019

Simply put, web scraping is one of the tools developers use to gather and analyze information from the internet. Some...

What is Income Share

What is Income Share Agreement?


| 14 Oct 2019

The term Income Share Agreement has been around for a long time since 1955 to be precise. Surprised, eh? It was fir

Practical Machine Learning with...

Daniel Pyrathon

| 16 Oct 2019

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that uses statistical techniques to give computer systems...